Baseline Survey Data on Crop Insurance Uptake and Agricultural Practices Among Smallholder Farming Households in Kenya.
Evaluation of improved forages for improved livestock nutrition and productivity in the northwest highlands of Vietnam
Contributing to improved forage options for livestock, environment and forage seed system in Ethiopia
The impact of agricultural credit on the cattle inventory and deforestation in Colombia: A spatial analysis
Environmental footprints of smallholder dairy systems at landscape level: A case study of Tanga and Kilimanjaro regions in Tanzania
CLEANED: un outil rapide d’évaluation ex-ante des impacts environnementaux, climatiques et économiques de systèmes de production animale - Example du Sénégal
Participatory forage evaluation for integration in mixed crop-livestock-tree systems in upland intensive and highland extensive systems of Lao PDR: Preliminary assessment and results
Sustainable intensification of cattle husbandry systems in the Colombian Amazon (Caquetá): A cost-benefit analysis
Develando oportunidades de mejora de los inventarios de emisiones de GEI para la producción ganadera en la región
Prioritizing climate-smart cattle farming practices and technologies for sustainable livestock production in Colombia’s Orinoquia region
Agroecological transformation of tropical livestock production through cultivating improved forages in integrated crop -tree-livestock systems
Sustainable beef labeling in Latin America and the Caribbean: Initiatives, developments, and bottlenecks
Caracterización técnica y ambiental de fincas de cría pertenecientes a muy pequeños, pequeños, medianos y grandes productores
Improved forage grasses: Bringing their integration into humid to sub-humid livestock production systems to scale
SAPLING Uganda: A progress report of CLEANED environmental assessments in pig and dairy production systems
Out-scaling environmental impacts of beef-pork production systems in Mai Son district, Vietnam: Chăn-hênh CLEANED progress report
CLEANED: un outil rapide d’évaluation ex ante des impacts environnementaux, climatiques et économiques de systèmes de production animale. Rapport de formation 6 - 9 septembre 2022, Tunis, Tunisie
CLEANED: Un outil rapide d’évaluation ex-ante des impacts environnementaux, climatiques et économiques de systèmes de production animale. Formation 6-9 septembre 2022, Tunis, Tunisie
CLEANED: A tool for ex-ante assessment of environmental impacts of livestock production – A case study on dairy production in Tunisia