Experiencias de la Alianza Bioversity International y CIAT en la formulación de la NAMA Ganadera Bovina Sostenible
Experiences on formulating Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) on sustainable bovine livestock
Recopilación de boletines agroclimáticos de las MTA de Chiquimula, Zacapa, Totonicapán, Quetzaltenango y Huehuetenango: Guatemala 2024
Recovery and conservation of the paramo ecosystem through the use of livestock management strategies and implementation of home-gardens in the indigenous resguardo cumbal
GANSO: Advancing sustainable livestock farming in Colombia through an innovative business model and technical assistance
Research topics within the Tropical Forages Program – experiences on livestock sustainable management in Colombia
Using cost-benefit analysis to enhance our understanding of livestock management practices in the lowland of Ethiopia