Agroecological Performance and Dietary Diversity Dataset: Household-Level Insights Using the TAPE (Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation) Framework and Qualitative 24hr Dietary Recall in Vihiga, Kenya (2023)
Cattle farming, armed conflict, and climate change: Possibilities and limitations in a case study in the Colombian Amazon
A systematic literature review on the relationships between land tenure, cattle farming, and climate change
Land, cows, and bullets: An untold history of cattle ranching during the armed conflict in Colombia, 1980–2010
¿Reformando la tierra, reformando el futuro? Un análisis crítico de las reformas agrarias, la ganadería y el cambio climático en el Sur Global
Reforming the land, reforming the future? A critical analysis of agrarian reforms, cattle farming, and climate change in the Global South
Gender analysis to inform the development of gender transformative approaches to enhance women's land rights in Kyrgyzstan
Developing gender transformative approaches to strengthen women’s rights in Kyrgyzstan. Foundational gender analysis
Developing gender transformative approaches to strengthen women’s land rights in the Gambia: Foundational gender analysis
Gender analysis to inform the development of gender transformative approaches to enhance women's land rights in the Gambia
The relationships between land tenure, cattle production, and climate change – a systematic literature review
Owning the land, but at what cost? Changes in power relations and land accumulation in cattle ranching in wartime Colombia
Women’s land rights in Niger. Securing women’s resource rights through gender transformative approaches
Права женщин на землю в Кыргызской Республике. Защита прав женщин на ресурсы с помощью гендерно-трансформационных подходов
Relationships between land tenure insecurity, agrobiodiversity, and dietary diversity of women of reproductive age: Evidence from Acholi and Teso subregions of Uganda
How is forest landscape restoration being Implemented in Burkina Faso? Overview of ongoing initiatives