Exploring the potentiality of Mandla's distinct landlocked aquatic food systems typology: A case study
Proceedings of International Conference on EcoHealth Nexus: Bridging Cascade Ecology and Human Well-Being. ICEN 2023, 19th-21st December 2023.
Towards adequate food environment in Benin public primary schools, the challenge of food supply and hygiene practices: a case study of three municipalities
Urochloa grass and biofortified maize rotation improve zinc uptake: A promising strategy to fostering human health
Content and distribution of cyanogenic compounds in cassava roots and leaves in association with physiological age
A model-based exploration of farm-household livelihood and nutrition indicators to guide nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions
Do common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) promote good health in humans? A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical and randomized controlled trials
Reassessing the cost-effectiveness of high-provitamin A bananas to reduce vitamin A deficiency in Uganda
Methodological guide. Calculation and comparison of carbon footprints of a current diet and a recommended diet under elements of nutrition and environmental sustainability
Comparison of the carbon footprint of the dietary patterns of the inhabitants of the city of Cali and the "EAT-Lancet diet
Methodological guide. Calculation and comparison of carbon footprints of a current diet and a recommended diet under elements of nutrition and environmental sustainability
Micronutrient deficiencies in African soils and the human nutritional nexus: opportunities with staple crops
Importancia de los productos de la ganadería en la seguridad alimentaria de los pueblos latinoamericanos