The Rural Household Multiple Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) data of 54,873 farm households in 35 countries
Household and dietary assessment of women within the reproductive age of 18 to 45 years and adolescents in Vihiga County , Kenya (July 2023)
Assessing food consumed away from home in low-and middle-income countries by developing specific modules for household surveys: Experimental evidence from Vietnam and Burkina Faso
Holistic Localized Performance Assessment (HOLPA) tool for collecting evidence on the impact of agroecology
Stakeholders of the coffee value chain, addressing households´ food insecurity and resilience to climate variation
Xanthomonas wilt of enset in Ethiopia: Geographical spread, impact on production systems and the effect of training on disease management practices
Socioeconomic and environmental survey for implementing sustainable cacao systems for forest conservation for climate change mitigation and peacebuilding in Colombia
Gender and Generational Differences in Local Knowledge and Preference for Food Trees in Central Uganda and Eastern Kenya
Household survey data on income, food security and dietary behaviour among women and children from urban and per urban regions of Nairobi metropolitan
Socio-economic baseline survey of selected households for Climate-Smart Dairy systems (CSD) in East Africa through improved forages and feeding strategies project