CGIAR report to the twelfth session of the intergovernmental technical working group on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
CGIAR report concerning Centers' implementation of their Article 15 Agreements: for the 9th Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Phenotypic characterization, genetic diversity assessment in 6,778 accessions of Barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare) germplasm conserved in national genebank of India and development of a core set
Evaluación de la diversidad de Manihot esculenta mediante huellas genéticas para reducir la redundancia en las colecciones de germoplasma
Phytosanitary certification of the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT germplasm health laboratory
Population structure and genetic diversity analyses of common bean germplasm collections of East and Southern Africa using morphological traits and high-density SNP markers
Certificación sanitaria del germoplasma de Mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Jornada sobre el panorama actual de la enfermedad del mosaico común de la mandioca en cultivos de Argentina. En el marco del premio de la asociación global entre…
Replication data for characterization of Phaseolus coccineus interspecific germplasm accessions for disease resistance, grain market class and yield attributes
Challenges and prospects for the conservation of crop genetic resources in field genebanks, in In Vitro collections and /or in liquid nitrogen