Sampling strategies for genotyping common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genebank accessions with DArTseq: a comparison of single plants, multiple plants, and DNA pools
A journey from classical to modern cassava breeding: Integrating genomic selection for faster and greater genetic gains
Towards whitefly resistance in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz): Discovery, development, and strategy
Phenotyping and genotyping of cassava F1 population (CTS family) for mapping drought tolerance QTLs based on RAD Sequencing 3704
Analysis of genetic diversity of banana weevils (Cosmopolites sordidus) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) using tanscriptome -derived simple sequence repeat markers
Banco Digital - Semillas del Futuro: Plataforma genómica para la conservación y promoción de recursos fitogenéticos
Replication data for: Genetic analyses for the response to Bean Leaf Crumple Virus (BLCrV) identify a candidate LRR-RLK gene
Using bean populations derived from P. acutifolius to advance toward generation of new bean varieties and discerning the traits and genetic base associated to heat tolerance
Replication data for: Improving association studies and genomic predictions for climbing beans with data from bush bean populations
CIAT and Ingredion Inc. signed an agreement to develop next-generation waxy cassava varieties for the North Coast of Colombia