Biological control of the native endophytic fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia from the root nodule of Dolichos lablab on Fusarium wilt of banana TR4
Fusarium tropical race 4 in Latin America and the Caribbean: Status and global research advances towards disease management
Influence of altitude as a proxy for temperature on key Musa pests and diseases in watershed areas of Burundi and Rwanda
Evaluation of resistance of banana genotypes with AAB genome to Fusarium Wilt Tropical Race 4 in China
A real-time fluorescent reverse transcription quantitative PCR assay for rapid detection of genetic markers’ expression associated with Fusarium Wilt of banana biocontrol activities in bacillus
Unlocking the microbiome communities of Banana (Musa spp.) under disease stressed (Fusarium wilt) and non-stressed conditions
Aspects of current research to combat Fusarium wilt of banana with a special focus on TR4. Brief proceedings of an RTB virtual mini-symposium. FP3 Resilient Crops - Cluster BA3.3 Fungal and Bacterial Wilts.
Banana pest risk assessment along banana trade axes running from low to high altitude sites, in the Eastern DR Congo and in Burundi
A literature review on yield gaps of various root, tuber and banana crops as a background for assessing banana yield reductions due to pests and diseases at a field site in western Burundi