Caractérisation des chaînes de valeur et des marchés des cultures négligées et sous-utilisées à l’Ouest du Niger: Cas de patate douce, manioc, moringa, gombo, oseille et voandzou
Phenotype based clustering, and diversity of common bean genotypes in seed iron concentration and cooking time
Predicting the future climate-related prevalence and distribution of crop pests and diseases affecting major food crops in Zambia
Phytosanitary certification of the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT germplasm health laboratory
Ethnobotanical evaluation and agro-morphological of eleven priority plant species for food security in northwestern Benin, northwest Benin.
The integration of shade-sensitive annual crops in Musa spp. plantations in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Born to eat wild: an integrated conservation approach to secure wild food plants for food security and nutrition
Researchers and entrepreneurs bring back forgotten gems: underutilized crops transformed into healthy snacks
¿Cómo una planta ancestral de América Latina llegó a ser el segundo cultivo comercial más importante de Asia?