Soil bacterial community is influenced by long‐term integrated soil fertility management practices in a ferralsol in Western Kenya
Evaluation of Brachiaria (Urochloa) pastures with contrasting BNI capacity in rotation with maize on soil N dynamics
Demonstrating sustainable farming practices and resilience against climate change in Northern Region of Ghana
Establishing SI-MFS demonstration fields to improve livelihoods in Northern and Savanna Regions of Ghana
Description of the ancestral processes for the recognition by the Arhuaco people of the biofortified beans Agrosavia Rojo 43
Site-specific fertilizer recommendation using data driven machine learning enhanced wheat productivity and resource use efficiency
Descrição dos processos ancestrais para o reconhecimento do feijão biofortificado Agrosavia Rojo 43 pelo povo Arhuaco
Biochar as soil amendment in climate-smart agriculture: Opportunities, future prospects, and challenges
Evaluación del potencial de generación de toneladas certificadas de carbono en los sistemas de producción de cacao bajo en emisiones en Caquetá y Cesar
Microbial resistance and resilience to drought and rewetting modulate soil N2O emissions with different fertilizers
Field trial protocols: Enhancing fertilizer recommendations and cropping systems in the Guinea Savannah agroecological zone
Nitrogen acquisition by two U. humidicola genotypes differing in biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) capacity and associated microorganisms
Micronutrient deficiencies in African soils and the human nutritional nexus: opportunities with staple crops