Evaluation of improved forages for improved livestock nutrition and productivity in the northwest highlands of Vietnam
Validation of resilient and drought adapted forage options for mixed farming systems in Northern Ghana
Colecta de tejido foliar, extracción de ADN y envío de muestras en poblaciones de Megathyrsus maximus (Pm21) e híbridos interespecíficos de Urochloa sp (Br19) para secuenciación genómica
Influence of different nitrogen fertilizer sources and rates on nitrogen use efficiency and N2O emissions of tropical pasture grasses
In vitro methane production and ruminal fermentation parameters of tropical grasses and grass-legume associations commonly used for cattle feeding in the tropics
Implementation of feed intervention strategies for improved livestock nutrition and productivity in Mai Son district, Son La province, Vietnam
Flow cytometry-based determination of ploidy from dried leaf specimens in genomically complex collections of the tropical forage grass Urochloa
Dry matter production mean, dry matter production coefficient of variation, proportion of dry matter from crops