Will agricultural digitalization deliver relative advantages in quality of work, productivity, profitability, return on investments, and reliability? Perceptions of Canadian producers
Mejoramiento participativo de líneas avanzadas de arroz con potencial biofortificación en el departamento de Bolívar
KoboToolBox: Una solución para captura de datos climáticos. Aprendizajes en el uso de herramientas digitales con monitores climáticos en Chiquimula, Guatemala.
Increased farmer willingness to pay for quality cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) planting materials: Evidence from experimental auctions in Cambodia and Lao PDR
Participatory forage evaluation for integration in mixed crop-livestock-tree systems in upland intensive and highland extensive systems of Lao PDR: Preliminary assessment and results
Towards sustainable intensification of livestock production for improved livelihood in SEA: the case of Vietnam and Lao PDR
Cattle farmer preferences and sustainable intensification: A Discrete Choice Experiment in the Colombian Amazon
A review of the scope of farmer participatory research to inform breeding of root, tuber and banana crops
Assessment of farmers’ perceptions and land management preferences using the participatory tool for evaluating land management options
Redesigning farmer-participatory on-farm trials from a citizen science perspective: The tricot experience
End-of-Project report 'Broadening the scaling of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) management in East and Central Africa'
Participatory evaluation of Urochloa and Megathyrsus forage species in western Kenya: Farmers perspective