Assessing the environmental impacts of SmaRT intervention packages in small ruminant production systems in Ethiopia
Yield gap analysis to identify attainable milk and meat productivities and the potential for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in cattle systems of Colombia
Methodological guide. Calculation and comparison of carbon footprints of a current diet and a recommended diet under elements of nutrition and environmental sustainability
Comparison of the carbon footprint of the dietary patterns of the inhabitants of the city of Cali and the "EAT-Lancet diet
Methodological guide. Calculation and comparison of carbon footprints of a current diet and a recommended diet under elements of nutrition and environmental sustainability
Livestock feed and fodder development in Uzbekistan (public sector): Assessment of the environmental impacts and climate change mitigation potential of improved feeds and forages
Replication Data for: Sustainable intensification of beef production in Colombia—chances for product differentiation and price premiums
Replication data for: Consumer preferences and market segmentation for differentiated beef with less environmental impact
Sustainable livestock development in low and middle income countries - shedding light on evidence-based solutions
Carbon footprint, non-renewable energy and land use of dual-purpose cattle systems in Colombia using a life cycle assessment approach