Data: Genome-wide association study of cassava brown streak disease resistance in cassava germplasm conserved in South America
African cassava whitefly project towards whitefly resistance in cassava discovery, development, and strategy
Response of common bean genotypes to prevalent Pseudocercospora griseola races causing angular leaf spot in Uganda
Establishing sustainable solutions to cassava diseases in mainland Southeast Asia agronomy and systems
New technologies provide innovative opportunities to enhance understanding of major virus diseases threatening global food security
MeWRKY IIas, subfamily genes of WRKY transcription factors from cassava, play an important role in disease resistance
High-throughput virus screening in crosses of South American and African cassava germplasm reveals broad-spectrum resistance against viruses causing Cassava Brown Streak Disease and Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease
Effector genes in Magnaporthe oryzae Triticum as potential targets for incorporating blast resistance in wheat
Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging as a tool for evaluating disease resistance of common bean lines in the Western Amazon region of Colombia
Replication data for agronomic quality and resistance of Andean beans and advanced breeding lines to root rots in Uganda
Replication data for characterization of Phaseolus coccineus interspecific germplasm accessions for disease resistance, grain market class and yield attributes
Deep RNA-seq analysis reveals key responding aspects of wild banana relative resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4
Practical guidelines for early screening and field evaluation of banana against Fusarium wilt, Pseudocercospora leaf spots and drought