A critical analysis of soil (and water) conservation practices in the Ethiopian Highlands: implications for future research and modeling
Climate change and ecological intensification of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa – A systems approach to predict maize yield under push-pull technology
Frankia-actinorhizal symbiosis: a non-chemical biological assemblage for enhanced plant growth, nodulation and reclamation of degraded soils
Aplicación en la agricultura de técnicas de explicabilidad del aprendizaje de máquinas: Aclarando la caja negra
India's rainfed sorghum improvement: Three decades of genetic gain assessment for yield, grain quality, grain mold and shoot fly resistance
Benefits of selected land management practices on ecosystem services: case studies in four watersheds of Ethiopia
Selection for bean fly (Ophiomyia spp) resistance and agronomic performance in selected common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions
Unravelling drivers of high variability of on-farm cocoa yields across environmental gradients in Ghana
Test climate-smart farming practices for increasing productivity of maize-legume system under variable weather conditions
The effect of climate-smart agriculture on soil fertility, crop yield, and soil carbon in Southern Ethiopia