Catalyzing climate security interventions through participatory mapping in Arid and Semi-Arid counties of Kenya
Pastoreo para el futuro: Navegando en la encrucijada entre un sector ganadero envejecido y la migración juvenil en Colombia y Guatemala
¿Reformando la tierra, reformando el futuro? Un análisis crítico de las reformas agrarias, la ganadería y el cambio climático en el Sur Global
Grazing for a future: Navigating the crossroads of an aging cattle sector and youth migration in Colombia and Guatemala
Reforming the land, reforming the future? A critical analysis of agrarian reforms, cattle farming, and climate change in the Global South
Cultivating perennial grassland mixtures: A novel approach to forage and food production, land restoration and climate resilience in Ethiopia
Keynote Speech. The nexus of climate change, agrobiodiversity and nutrition: Implications on mental health
Diagrammatic representation of the nexus between agrobiodiversity, climate change, nutrition and health outcomes
Gendered evaluation of impacts of landscape degradation and restoration on ecosystem services: perspectives from paired husbands and wives in Ethiopia
Renforcement de capacités en Agriculture Intelligente face au Climat (AIC) au Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger et Togo : Rapport de synthèse des visites de terrain
Renforcement de capacités en Agriculture Intelligente face au Climat (AIC) au Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger et Togo: Rapport de synthèse des ateliers nationaux
Examining the promise of ‘the local’ for improving gender equality in agriculture and climate change adaptation
Navegando por la diversidad comprender las limitaciones y los catalizadores para la inclusión de género e interseccionalidad en las políticas colombianas de tierra, alimentación y clima a través del análisis del discurso
Navigating diversity understanding constraints and catalysts for gender and intersectional inclusion in Colombian land, food, and climate policies through discourse analysis
Influence of land access on climate-smart agriculture for low-emission food systems: A sustainable livelihood perspective
Resumen ejecutivo: Informe de gestión de la secretaria técnica 2020-2023 del acuerdo cero deforestación cadena láctea para la no deforestación y transformación de páramos