Using optimized monochromatic energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence to determine the cadmium concentration in cacao and soil samples
Biological soil health indicators are sensitive to shade tree management in a young cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) production system
Accumulation of cadmium in soils, litter and leaves in cacao farms in the North Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
‘From soil to chocolate bar’: identifying critical steps in the journey of cadmium in a Colombian cacao plantation
Cadmio en cacao: lo que sabemos sobre prácticas de mitigación: Segundo resumen informativo de Clima-LoCa sobre cadmio en cacao
Cadmium in cacao: what we know about mitigation practices: Second Clima-LoCa briefing note on cadmium in cacao
Multipurpose roles of tropical forages: Advances on understanding cadmium extraction potential and trade-offs and synergies of multispecies pastures
Regional research project seeks to promote the development of cacao to continue competing in the European market
Online tool developed by CIAT helps farmers and buyers interpret EU regulation on cadmium in cacao products