Assessment of cassava diversity by DNA fingerprinting: Breeding tool to conserve diversity and reduce redundancy in germplasm collections
Enhancing the nutritional value and agronomic performance of tuber crops: Making genetic gains in biofortified cassava over a decade at CIAT
Biofortified rice contributes to increasing micronutrient consumption. Are consumers willing to pay for this solution in Cartagena, Colombia?
La estrategia de la biofortificatión sigue impactando la seguridad alimentaria de miles de familias en Colombia
Kinetics of thermal degradation of carotenoids related to potential of mixture of wheat, cassava and sweet potato flours in baking products
Biofortified rice contributes to increasing micronutrient consumption. Are consumers willing to pay for this solution in Cartagena, Colombia?
Generation mean analysis reveals the predominant gene effects for grain iron and zinc contents in Pearl Millet
Genetic correlation between Fe and Zn biofortification and yield components in a common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Identification of iron and zinc responsive genes in pearl millet using genome-wide RNA-sequencing approach
Association of grain iron and zinc content with other nutrients in pearl millet germplasm, breeding lines, and hybrids
Characterization of cassava ORANGE proteins and their capability to increase provitamin A carotenoids accumulation
El Observatorio del arroz: curso de capacitación sobre fitomejoramiento convencional y semillas de arroz biofortificado
Dr. Mahalingam Govindaraj of HarvestPlus to Receive the 2022 Normal Borlaug Award for Field Research and Application
Development of common bean genotypes with high iron and zinc seed concentrations and superior canning and agronomic quality traits