Toward compatibility with national dairy production and climate goals through locally appropriate mitigation interventions in Kenya
Contributing to improved forage options for livestock, environment and forage seed system in Ethiopia
Use of CLEANED to assess the productive, environmental, and economic impact of dairy farms in the Peruvian Amazon
Manual of integrated package for herd health, reproduction and feed management of small ruminants in Mali
Theory of change for the dairy value chain in Uganda, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion
Developments, bottlenecks, and opportunities in seed markets for improved forages in East Africa: The case of Kenya
The impact of agricultural credit on the cattle inventory and deforestation in Colombia: A spatial analysis
Theory of change for the small ruminant value chain in Mali, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion
CLEANED: un outil rapide d’évaluation ex-ante des impacts environnementaux, climatiques et économiques de systèmes de production animale. Rapport de formation 4 - 8 septembre 2023, Tunis, Tunisie.
Theory of change for the pig value chain in Uganda, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion
Out-scaling environmental impacts of beef-pork production systems in Mai Son district, Vietnam: Chăn-hênh CLEANED progress report
Análisis de los datos macros a nivel de región para preparación de un plan de inversiones para la producción ganadera baja en carbono de Nicaragua
Evaluación económica de intervenciones a nivel finca en cinco zonas de Nicaragua de acuerdo con tres tipologías de finca
Sustainable livestock production and improved forages: Tutorial 1 Introduction, Sustainable Livestock Production and Improved Forages
Sustainable livestock production and improved forages. Tutorial 7 - Ufupisho: Muhtasari uzalishaji wa malisho
Sustainable livestock production and improved forages. Tutorial 2 - Forage production: Planting from seed
Sustainable livestock production and improved forages. Tutorial 3 - Upandaji kutoka kwa Vishina au vipande
Sustainable livestock production and improved forages. Tutorial 1 - Kitambulisho, Uzalishaji Endelevu wa Malisho ya Mfugo na Iliyoboreshwa