Intervenciones agronómicas para reducir enfermedades fúngicas en la regeneración de forrajes tropicales
NextGen agroadvisory expanding in scope and extent: The effort to cover more crops and bundle with lime advisory
Site-specific fertilizer recommendation spilled over to other partners: The opportunity and potential for facilitated scaling up
Evaluation of Ghana EiA-hub and mobile app digital advisories by the Research Extension Farmer Linkage Committees (RELCs ).
Agronomic biofortification: Uncovering the evidence. A seminar organized by the Excellence in Agronomy Agronomic Initiative
The status of knowledge, attitudes, and practice in the cultivation and usage of improved forages in Kenya and Uganda
Agronomic and organoleptic performance of organically produced provitamin A rich bananas for introduction into farming and diet systems of Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo
Assessment of agronomic practices in banana-coffee and banana-cacao systems in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo – an entry point for sustainable and diversified organic systems
Indigenous agricultural knowledge: A neglected human based resource for sustainable crop protection and production
Sistemas innovadores de siembra de Urochloa humidicola mediante estolones: Un caso exitoso en la altillanura colombiana
From Within and Without: Gender, agency and sustainable management of non-timber forest products in two Indian States
Simulating soil organic carbon in maize-based systems under improved agronomic management in Western Kenya