Webinar: Error 404, farmer not found. Why agricultural information services must consider how smallholders use their phones
Scaling climate resilience in Ghana's savannah maize belt: Leveraging smart production, soil technologies, and capacity strengthening
Error 404, farmer not found: Why agricultural information services must consider how smallholders use their phones
Evaluación piloto de diagnóstico agronómico asistido por drones en sistemas de agricultura a pequeña escala: Monitoreo de cultivos con drones en oriente y occidente de Guatemala, 2024
Heterogeneities in farmers’ preference for advisory services: A choice experiment of vegetable growers in North-Western Ethiopia
Mapping the advisory needs and information ecosystems of potato farmers in Nigeria and Kenya. Sub-lever inclusive design & user research
Development of a digital platform for dissemination of FAW and Striga agro-advisories in Rwanda and Ghana
Designing of FAW and Striga agro-advisories and their delivery through a bulk SMS messaging to the farming communities in Rwanda
Stakeholders’ engagement meeting for developing agro-climatic digital advisories tools: Case of Ghana
Mapping climate and agronomic digital advisory services landscape of the Transforming Agrifood Systems in West and Central Africa Initiative (TAFS-WCA): A case of Rwanda
Mapping climate and agronomic digital advisory services landscape of the Transforming Agrifood Systems in West and Central Africa Initiative (TAFS-WCA): A case of Nigeria
NextGen agroadvisory expanding in scope and extent: The effort to cover more crops and bundle with lime advisory
Site-specific fertilizer recommendation spilled over to other partners: The opportunity and potential for facilitated scaling up
The indirect impact of crop insurance on household food security in the Guinea savannah region of West Africa
Tailored, climate-informed and location-specific agro-advisory services in the highlands of Ethiopia increased smallholder farmers’ wheat grain yields and profitability