Press and News The Ministry of Agriculture of Japan Grants Award to CIAT Scientist

Ministerio de Agricultura de Japón otorga premio a científico del CIAT

A Colombian researcher is to be awarded with the Young Scientist recognition of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF) and the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS).

The prize is to be awarded to Jacobo Arango, environmental biologist of the Tropical Forages Program at CIAT, in recognition of his outstanding scientific career and his contributions to developments on Tropical Forages, as well as his role in mitigating greenhouse gases to combat climate change and improve the lives of millions of smallholders around the world.

The Prize, awarded for the thirteenth time, seeks to increase the motivation of young scientists making a contribution to research and development in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and related industries in developing countries.


 The starting point to be granted the award was the role played by tropical forages in improving livestock systems from a holistic, production, and environmental point of view. We have worked with support from CRPs, particularly from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock (Livestock) to identify mitigation actions boosted by tropical forages.

Jacobo Arango


Jacobo Arango is one of the leading authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and he is contributing to draft the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), more specifically, regarding mitigation pathways compatible with long-term goals.

The award ceremony will take place next Tuesday, November 26, at the Tsukuba International Congress Center in Tsukuba, Japan.

Each year, the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Research Council (AFFRC) selects three young scientists, who have demonstrated outstanding research achievements leading to future technological innovation, to present them with the award.

In addition to Arango, the award will be granted to: MAI Thi Ngan from the National Agricultural University of Vietnam and Rebijith Kayattukandy Balan from the Plant Health and Environment Laboratory at the Ministry for Primary Industries of New Zealand.

The prizewinners are young scientists from developing countries who have demonstrated an outstanding performance in research and development in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, or related industries.