A farmer's dilemma: To sell or to eat?
Press and News
A Thomson Reuters report by CIAT highlights work in Macaregua, Colombia by Bioversity International with CGIAR partners to identify sources of vulnerability to climate change impacts and barriers to the adoption of climate-smart agriculture.
A Thomson Reuters report by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) highlights work in Macaregua, Colombia by Bioversity International and CGIAR partners to identify sources of vulnerability to climate change impacts and barriers to the adoption of climate-smart agriculture.
Climate-smart agriculture aims to improve food security even in the face of increased climate risks. When small farmers seek to boost their food security by commercialising their products, for example, they must strike a balance between the risks in producing for the market and the risks in producing for home consumption.
Researchers from Bioversity International and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) spent time in Macaregua to identify sources of vulnerability to climate change impacts and barriers to the adoption of climate-smart agriculture.