Blog Empowering Young Women: Cultivating the next generation of bean entrepreneurs in North Kivu, DRC

Empowering young women Cultivating the next generation of bean entrepreneurs in north kivu, DRC

Incubating young bean entrepreneurs at the University of Goma: A pathway to accelerating entrepreneurship amongst young women in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

By: Bola Amoke Awotide, Paulin Njingulula, Paluku Kitakya and J.C. Rubyogo

Under the modest shelter of her mother's shed at Birere market in Goma, Deborah sells beans to locals passing by. But her aspirations reach far beyond the market: "I hope to improve the bean quality through better sorting and packaging, which will allow me to attract more local customers and even sell in bigger cities like Kinshasa," she shares enthusiastically.

Deborah is one of 10 young women selected from the prominent crop sellers' cooperatives UPROVEPA and ADEVEVI in North Kivu. Highly optimistic about her future, she believes that participating in a new entrepreneurial initiative will allow her to become a leading bean entrepreneur in the region and help access global markets. 

Incubating young bean entrepreneurs at the University of Goma

The Beans for Women Empowerment (B4WE) Project - financed by Global Affairs Canada - is collaborating with the University of Goma to empower young women like Deborah through entrepreneurship. As part of a partnership with the Alliance, the CHEMCHEM YA BYASHARA business incubator is set to train these 10 young bean sellers, supporting them in becoming bean entrepreneurs in the eastern region of the DRC.  

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Figure 2: Group Photo with the Potential Beans Entrepreneurs  

Collaborative Efforts to Foster Growth 

On September 28 2024, a crucial meeting took place in the CHEMCHEM meeting room at the University of Goma, marking a significant step in this partnership. The Alliance's B4WE and the CHEMCHEM YA BYASHARA teams joined forces with 10 women entrepreneurs from Goma to discuss the future of their businesses. An assessment was conducted using a specially designed questionnaire to understand their past and present entrepreneurial activities. 

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Figure 3: The coordinator of the Incubator center explaining the Assessment Questionnaire 

All the selected young women responded to open-ended questions under the supervision of the B4WE agribusiness facilitator and the coordinator of the University of Goma incubation center, sharing insights for coordinators to tailor the training and incubation program to meet their needs.  

The questionnaire was designed with open-ended questions that allowed each entrepreneur to provide insights based on their unique business realities. The collaborative effort ensured that the completion of the evaluations took place in a supportive environment, guided by experienced members from both organizations.

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Figure 4: The potential entrepreneurs responding to the assessment questionnaire 

A Vision for the Future through Entrepreneurship  

According to the coordinator of the incubation center, these young bean sellers embody a spirit of ambition and aspiration. Many of them dream of starting their own business or becoming successful traders, both locally and internationally. However, these aspirations require the right support structure to become reality. This is where the CHEMCHEM YA BYASHARA incubator steps in, offering the necessary resources and guidance to help these women navigate their entrepreneurial journeys. 

The results from this preliminary evaluation reveal that the entrepreneurial activity of selling beans significantly addresses unemployment challenges in the region. With a very high unemployment rate across the country and in the city of Goma, thanks to the support received, these women find a source of income, improving the well-being of themselves and their communities.

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Figure 5: The Coordinator providing feedback on the Assessment 

Incubator: A path to transformation 

As we move forward, the incubator will focus on shaping business ideas and providing training that empowers these women to develop their entrepreneurial skills. By fostering an environment of collaboration and support, we aim to transform the dreams of these young women into tangible success stories. The journey of these 10 young women bean sellers is just beginning, and with the professional backing of the CHEMCHEM YA BYASHARA incubator center, their potential is growing. Through this initiative, the B4WE project is not just planting seeds for the future, they are cultivating a thriving community of women bean entrepreneurs who will pave the way for sustainable economic development in the DRC.  

For more information contact: [email protected]

The Team

Jean Claude Rubyogo

Leader, Global Bean Program, and Director, Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA)