Press and News The Economist, Feeding the World 2014

The Economist, Feeding the World 2014

M. Ann Tutwiler, Director General, Bioversity International and Frank Rijsberman, CEO, CGIAR Consortium will take part in 'The Economist - Feeding the World' event on 13 February, 2014.

As is well known by now the global population is set to rise considerably by 2050, with numbers at the higher range estimated at 9.6 billion. Most of these people will be born in developing countries where food, land and water are often scarce resources. Many of them will go hungry and suffer from lives worn down and shortened by the effects of hunger and malnutrition.

A high-level audience will gather in London on 13 February, 2014 to discuss how to accelerate progress in coordinating efforts to tackle the planet’s food security crisis. Industry leaders, government, donors, aid agencies and the research community will explore opportunities to collaborate in delivering improved access to food and nutrition and sustainable agricultural development.

Speakers include Frank Rijsberman, CEO, CGIAR Consortium on the role of technology in solving the global food security challenge and M. Ann Tutwiler, Director General, Bioversity International on food security, biodiversity and effective management of ecosystem services.

Follow the conversation on Twitter: @Economist_FTW #econenviro.

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