CGIAR Accelerate for Impact Platform and Impact Lab host the AgriTech4Morocco Innovation Challenge Bootcamp in the Prime Agriculture Region of Morocco
Twenty innovations to boost the impact of agritech solutions across Morocco and beyond
On 23-25 May, the CGIAR Accelerate for Impact Platform (A4IP) and local accelerator, Impact Lab teams co-hosted an immersive three-day bootcamp for the AgriTech4Morocco Innovation Challenge 20 shortlisted projects. Thirty-two purpose-driven entrepreneurs from 11 countries spanning across Africa, Europe, Middle East, and Americas, received group and individual hands-on guidance from industry experts to refine their business pitch through expert talks, workshops, and coaching. The bootcamp aimed to support shortlisted innovators to navigate the agri-food ecosystem in Morocco and explore new partnerships.
The AgriTech4Morocco Innovation Challenge set out to select, scout, and accelerate agri-tech solutions to contribute towards improving Morocco’s efficiency, equity, and environmental sustainability and support the goals of the Generation Green 2020-2030 Strategy. The competition was high with 350+ applications from 31 countries. Following careful scrutiny of the Selection Committee, 20 agri-tech projects were invited to participate in the bootcamp at Le Qualipôle Alimentation in Meknès, an agri-food innovation center with the support of Agrinova. The selection of the location was no coincidence; Meknès being the capital of a large agriculture region, situated in northern central Morocco, and known for its productive land thanks to the high elevation, fertile soils, and availability of fresh water.

Participants at the AgriTech4Morocco innovation challenge bootcamp.
During the first two days, through interactive learning methodologies, participants were trained on the key principles of design thinking, learned about the importance of adopting user-centered design to reflect on users and their needs in each phase of the design process, and improved their pitch through business and public speaking coaching. On the third and final day, 18 teams pitched their solutions to the Selection Committee that consisted of 7 members, representing project partners and industry experts. Read about learn about Selection Committee members.
Of the 18 teams, 10 teams were shortlisted by the Selection Committee, based on a set of criteria, and granted access to the nine-week Acceleration Program which launched on Wednesday, 1 June.
Watch the 4 minute bootcamp highlights video.
The AgriTech4Morocco Acceleration Program aimed to prepare teams to validate and scale their innovation by developing an actionable pathway and exploring potential collaborations with CGIAR through a blended learning approach, comprising business-oriented coaching and scientific technical assistance. Under the responsibility of A4IP, participants received support from CGIAR scientists with regards to the technological development of their projects through themed expert talks and individual mentoring. A4IP offered guidance in matching teams with relevant scientists, based on their priority areas and research interests, to support them to strengthen the scientific validity of their solution. Through individualized technical assistance with CGIAR researchers, participants had the opportunity to deep dive into the scientific component of their project, pose questions regarding the strategies in place to overcome the bottlenecks of technological development, and seek feedback on the actionable pathway to scaling their project.
The Acceleration Program will close with the final Demo Day, scheduled on Thursday, 28 July at 2pm GMT+1, where the 10 teams will pitch their projects to the Selection Committee, investors, sector stakeholders, and the media. The three winners will also be announced.
Register here to join the Demo Day.
Read on to discover the ten finalists who are currently engaging in the Acceleration Program.
Fila7a, The Netherlands
Fila7a provides an online eco-system to farmers to help increase their quality and productivity, and help sell their products to a bigger audience. Fila7a aims to reduce intermediary costs for farmers, increase their access to market, promote their product nationally and internationally, increase their bargaining power and stimulate price transparency.
Green Growth, Latvia
Green Growth provides farmers with real-time analytics on land productivity from each point in the field, thanks to data collected directly from harvesting machines. As a result, farmers can see yield maps that are used to optimize farm inputs, such as fertilizers, seeds, and crop protection products in a sustainable farming approach.
yieldsApp, Israel
yieldsApp is a groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence based technology that provides a precise diagnosis of pests, diseases, and soil health together with the exact courses of action to take in order to sustainably avoid, eliminate, or prevent infestation or contagion, while minimizing the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.
SMART BAC by EJ Agritech, Morocco
Smart BAC optimizes the collection and transport of milk, by offering a solution that preserves product quality, while ensuring real time traceability for value chain stakeholders and improving the remuneration of producers.
From Sand to Green, Morocco
From Sand to Green creates new arable land by rehabilitating arid lands into orchards, leveraging endemic agroforestry plantations, solar desalination, and the opportunities created by carbon compensation mechanisms.
AgriScan, Morocco
AgriScan develops and produces new portable sensors offering real-time soil analysis through a disruptive technology of embedded and network-connected artificial intelligence for data storage and analysis that enables farmers to optimize their fertilization decisions.
Intellexia, Morocco
Intellexia is a solution providing remote and real-time monitoring of the entire cold chain for perishable products all along the production/manufacturing, goods transport, and distribution phases.
PCS Agri, Morocco
Track Tomato is a solution that estimates tomato yields, detects the first outbreaks of phytosanitary problems, and optimizes the use of pesticides, using video captures and artificial intelligence.
Jodoor GreenTech, Morocco
Jodoor GreenTech is a network of franchised, modern, and ecological hydroponic farms, specialized in leafy vegetables, aromatic, and medicinal herbs. Jodoor’s technology offers constant productivity and quality with an all year long fixed price to customers.
agricapture by Capture Solution LTD, Ivory Coast
agricapture connects conscious consumers to the farmers and locations where crops are grown, ensuring traceability and transparency. agricapture uses a combination of smartphones, digital weighing scales, QR codes and digital payments to ensure that the processing of raw goods is fully traceable and accurate.
Visit the AgriTech4Morocco Innovation Challenge website.
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