From the Field Bean pathology training at CIAT Uganda

Bean pathology training at CIAT Uganda

The training commenced on May 2nd and ended on 27th May, 2016 at International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)-Uganda hosted by the National Agricultural Research Laboratories (NARL) located at about 13 km, North of Kampala city. It was attended by six individuals from Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda who are majorly involved in bean research activities.

These included Yona Masheti, (student -University of Nairobi, Kenya) but attached to KALRO- Kakamega, Kenya , Shamir Misango, laboratory technician (KALRO- Kakamega, Kenya), Bethel Mulugeta, laboratory technician (SARI, Hawassa, Ethiopia), Mihiret Tadesse, laboratory technician (SARI, Hawassa, Ethiopia), Jeanine Umfuyisoni, laboratory technician (RAB, Rwanda) and Antony Kimani, laboratory technician (Embu University, Kenya).

The objective of the training was to provide technical assistance in the introduction to pathogen race characterization and practical skills in phenotyping and genotyping key diseases of common bean in East Africa. The training was completed with the award of certificates of the participation to the trainees and facilitation to the trainers.