Estrategia de género e inclusión social para la cadena de valor de lácteos en la región Golfo de Fonseca, Honduras
Estrategia de género e inclusión social para la cadena de valor de marañón en la región Golfo de Fonseca, Honduras
Farmers’ perceptions of navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production constraints, preferred traits and farming systems and their implications on bean breeding: a case study from South East Lowveld region of Zimbabwe
Diversity in nutrient content and consumer preferences of sensory attributes of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties in Ugandan agroecosystems
Gender and social seed networks for climate change adaptation: Evidence from bean, finger millet, and sorghum seed systems in East Africa
Examining the promise of ‘the local’ for improving gender equality in agriculture and climate change adaptation
Relationships between land tenure insecurity, agrobiodiversity, and dietary diversity of women of reproductive age: Evidence from Acholi and Teso subregions of Uganda
Wheat varietal diversification increases Ethiopian smallholders’ food security: Evidence from a participatory development initiative
Gender equity considerations in food environments of low and middle income countries: A scoping review
Embodied engagement with gender and agrobiodiversity: Leveraging transformative moments in multidisciplinary teams