Stakeholder Meeting for Greater Mekong Cassava Seed Systems. Report on an International Workshop held at Phnom Penh, Cambodia, December 7th, 2022
The role of seed vouchers and fairs in promoting seed market development: Opportunities and limitations
Intervenciones integradas para fortalecer la resiliencia de productores de cacao frente la amenaza del cambio climático en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú
Improving Urochloa sp. and Megathyrsus maximus for sustainable livestock systems to increase food and nutrition security , climate resilience and better livelihoods
Feeds and forages intervention strategies for improved livestock nutrition and productivity in the Northwest Highlands (NWH) of Vietnam
Enhancing sustainable agri-food systems using multi-nutrient fertilizers in Kenyan smallholder farming systems
Tolerancia a sequía en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz ): desarrollo de una metodología de fenotipado y construcción de mapa genético