Economic analysis of hay supplementation with canavalia brasiliensis CIAT 17009 in dual-purpose cattle farming in Colombia
Development of a protocol for the regeneration of protoplasts from cassava (Manihot esculenta) isolated from friable embryogenic callus.
From Afterthought to Forefront: Transforming Agricultural Resilience through CoDesigned Socio-Technical Innovations
Ensuring the phytosanitary quality of beans, tropical forages and cassava collections in the “future seeds” genebank: reference strain bank
Boosting flowering and fruit set in cassava with extended red-light photoperiods and growth regulators
Biomass yield, nutritional composition and silage fermentation characteristics of panicum and pennisetum grasses in the savanna agro-ecological zone of Ghana
From pixels to plant health: Accurate detection of banana Xanthomonas wilt in complex African landscapes using high -resolution UAV images and deep learning