Directrices técnicas para el movimiento seguro del germoplasma de cacao. Versión revisada de las Directrices técnicas de FAO/IPGRI No. 20 (Quinta actualización, 2024)
Persistence and genetic vulnerability of tropical tree species in response to anthropogenic disturbances
Dispositions towards the living wage proposition: Baseline report of the rainforest alliance living wage strategy evaluation
Trends, challenges and opportunities in the in situ conservation of cereal landraces in Scottish islands
Integrated modeling to achieve global goals: lessons from the Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-use, and Energy (FABLE) initiative
Managing forest genetic resources as a strategy to adapt forests to climate change: perceptions of European forest owners and managers
Characterization of distinct strains of an aphid-transmitted ilarvirus (Fam. Bromoviridae) infecting different hosts from South America