Analysis of the potential market segmentation of new CIAT forage hybrids in Africa, Latin America and Asia
Dynamics of the cattle sector in Latin America and the Caribbean: Short and long-term relationships between emissions and meat and milk production in the Region
Dinámica de la ganadería en Latino América y el Caribe: Relaciones de corto y largo plazo entre las emisiones y producción de carne y leche en la región.
Long-term relationships of beef and dairy cattle and greenhouse gas emissions: Application of co-integrated panel models for Latin America
Spatial and temporal contrasts in the distribution of crops and pastures across Amazonia: A new agricultural land use data set from census data since 1950: Crops and pastures across Amazonia
Mejores pastizales: Una alternativa para la producción ganadera en suelos de baja fertilidad Andropogon gayanus
Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Guenée) Population Structure and Isolation by Distance in Central and South America Revealed with Cytochrome Oxidase I (CO1) Gene