Pixels to pasture: Using machine learning and multispectral remote sensing to predict biomass and nutrient quality in tropical grasslands
Group-based and citizen science on-farm variety selection approaches for bean growers in Central America
Validation of SNP markers for diversity analysis, quality control, and trait selection in a biofortified cassava population
Isolation, genome analysis and tissue localization of ceratobasidium theobromae, a new encounter pathogen of cassava in Southeast Asia
Inclusion of gender and intersectionality in land, food and climate change policy: A feminist institutional approach
Red nacional de mujeres interétnicas para la defensa del medio ambiente. Guía metodológica para mapear la red territorial.
Policy levers to unlock climate finance in the livestock sector: A guide for national policymakers to integrate livestock in climate strategies
Mapping the path to sustainability through coherence analysis of Colombia’s land, food, and water policies