Improved Pastures Support Early Indicators of Soil Restoration in Low-input Agroecosystems of Nicaragua
Percepciones sobre el cambio climático en Nicaragua: Evidencia en los estudiantes de educación superior
Exploring barriers to the agroecological transition in Nicaragua: A Technological Innovation Systems Approach
Between silences and opportunities Gender and bovine livestock in Latin America, a state of the question
Entre silencios y oportunidades Género y producción ganadera en América Latina, un estado de la cuestión
Vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change: The development of a pantropical Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment to inform sub-national decision making
Unpacking Intra-Household Decision-Making on Smallholder Farms in Colombia and Nicaragua to Foster Climate Change Adaptation
Baseline data for Farm level and community aggregate economic impacts of adopting Climate Smart Agricultural Practices in three Mega Environments
Farm-level and community aggregate economic impacts of adopting climate smart agricultural practices in three mega environments