Examining the barriers to gender integration in agriculture, climate change, food security, and nutrition policies: Guatemalan and Honduran perspectives
The role of open data in evidencing and limiting political interference in public input distribution in Guatemala
Informe RIOS: Identificando sitios para implementar prácticas ASAC, en donde se maximice el retorno ecológico. Cuenca "La Carreta" y "Santa Isabel"
Synthesis and key insights from the implementation of the gender sensitive Climate-Smart Agriculture monitoring framework in Central America: temporal and spatial dynamics in the Olopa (Guatemala) and Santa Rita (Honduras) Climate Smart Villages
Prioridades, Roles y Guías para el Desarrollo de Políticas en Seguridad Agroalimentaria Sostenible y Resiliente ante el Cambio Climático en Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras
Do community seed banks contribute to the social-ecological resilience of communities? A case-study from Western Guatemala
Good data are not enough: Understanding limited information use for climate risk and food security management in Guatemala