Wild common bean in the central valley of Costa Rica: Ecological distribution and molecular characterization = Frijol silvestre en el Valle Central de Costa Rica: distribución ecológica y caracterización molecular
Using microsatellites, isozymes and AFLPs to evaluate genetic diversity and redundancy in the cassava core collection and to assess the usefulness of DNA-BASED markers to maintain germplasm collections
The relationship of some Elsinoë and Sphaceloma species pathogenic on cassava and other Euphorbiaceae in Central and South America
Restriction of nodulation by the broad host range Rhizobium tropici strain CIAT899 in wild accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Phaseolus talamancensis, a new wild bean species (leguminosae, phaseoline) from montane forests of eastern Costa Rica
Pasture production, diet selection and liveweight gains of cattle grazing Brachiaria brizantha with or without Arachis pintoi at two stocking rates in the Atlantic zone of Costa Rica
Observations on the geographic distribution, ecology and conservation status of several phaseolus bean species in Costa Rica
Estimation and comparison of benefits due to feeding hay and silage during the dry season on commercial dual-purpose cattle production systems in Honduras and Costa Rica