A science-based investment due diligence & screening methodology co-developed with Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) to assess CSA impact in their $20 million agribusiness in Africa window round 2 program
Women’s investment club integrates climate-risk into accelerator and contributes to the uptake of climate-smart solutions in Senegal. AICCRA’s research and engagement is enhancing the awareness and capacity for private actors
Variation in symptom development and infectivity of Banana Bunchy Top Disease among four cultivars of Musa sp.
Agricultural production and food security implications of Covid-19 disruption on small-scale farmer households: Lessons from Kenya
Towards adequate food environment in Benin public primary schools, the challenge of food supply and hygiene practices: a case study of three municipalities
The status of knowledge, attitudes, and practice in the cultivation and usage of improved forages in Kenya and Uganda
Seed credit model in Uganda: Participation and empowerment dynamics among smallholder women and men farmers
The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) endorses creation of a regional network for the conservation and use of crop wild relatives
Adapting the CROPGRO model to simulate biomass production and soil organic carbon of Cayman grass in East Africa
Characterizing patterns of seasonal drought stress for use in common bean breeding in East Africa under present and future climates
Profil des risques climatiques des chaînes de valeur des principales cultures de la Région de Tillabéri, Niger
Impact of sustainable soil management practices on soil microbial biomass carbon: Implications for climate change mitigation