Estimation of the fertilizer response of maize and bean intercropping using sole crop response equations
Environmental constraints to nodulation and nitrogen fixation of Phaseolus vulgaris L. in Tanzania. I. A survey of soil fertility, root nodulation and multi-locational responses to Rhizobium inoculation
Enabling rural innovation in Africa : An approach for integrating farmer participatory research and market orientation for building the assets of rural poor
Effects of organic and inorganic fertilization on soil bacterial and fungal microbial diversity in the Kabete long-term trial, Kenya
Effects of organic and mineral fertilizer inputs on maize yield and soil chemical properties in a maize cropping systems in Meru South District, Kenya
Effect of crop rotation and nitrogen fertilization on yield and nitrogen efficiency in maize in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria
Dry season performance of four tropical pasture legumes in subhumid west Africa as influenced by superphosphate application and weed control
Development and delivery of bean varieties in Africa: the Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) model
Determinants of the decision to adopt integrated soil fertility management practices by smallholder farmers in the central highlands of Kenya