Are policy makers aware of the climate security nexus? Mapping climate security policy narratives in Kenya
A synthesis of policy issues and recommendations towards enhancing access to and utilization of agricultural genetic resources for climate-change adaptation in East Africa: Report of a Regional Policy Workshop, 1-2 April 2021, Kisumu, Kenya
A compendium of participatory evaluation data on sorghum, finger millet and beans for climate change adaptation in Kenya , Uganda and Tanzania
Sustainable livestock production and improved forages. Tutorial 7 - Ufupisho: Muhtasari uzalishaji wa malisho
Sustainable livestock production and improved forages. Tutorial 3 - Upandaji kutoka kwa Vishina au vipande
Sustainable livestock production and improved forages. Tutorial 1 - Kitambulisho, Uzalishaji Endelevu wa Malisho ya Mfugo na Iliyoboreshwa