Seeds for needs: adaptation to climate change - Innovative tools to match seeds to the needs of women farmers in Ethiopia
Cattle manure and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer application effects on soil hydraulic properties and maize yield of two soils of Murewa district, Zimbabwe
Assessing farmers` knowledge of weed species, crop type and soil management practices in relation to soil quality status in mai-negus catchment, northern Ethiopia
Pushing the envelope? Maize production intensification and the role of cattle manure in recovery of degraded soils in smallholder farming areas of Zimbabwe
Predicting the future climatic suitability for cocoa farming of the world's leading producer countries, Ghana and Côte d 'Ivoire
Performance of exclosure in restoring soil fertility: a case of Gubalafto district in North Wello Zone, northern highlands of Ethiopia
From farm scale synergies to village scale trade-offs: cereal crop residues use in an agro-pastoral system of the Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso
Soil microbial biomass in semi-arid-communal sandy rangelands in the Western Bophirima district, South Africa