Report on the 2023 review and 2024 activity planning workshop of the CGIAR initiative on agroecology project
Research protocol for integrating the socio-technical innovation bundling of CGIAR Gender Equality Initiative with the world vegetable center (Veggies for Planet and Peoples Project-V4P&P)
Gender vulnerability assessment to inform gender-sensitive adaptation action: a case study in semi-arid areas of Mali
Manual of integrated package for herd health, reproduction and feed management of small ruminants in Mali
Proceedings of the National Workshop on Experience Sharing in Landscape Restoration Research implemented by Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Ethiopia
Effectiveness of climate information services: An evaluation of the accuracy and socio-economic benefits for smallholder farmers in Niger and Mali
Applying the CRISP tool in Bolivia and Zambia: Identifying climate risks and adaptation options in agricultural and food system projects
Guide on the processes and partnerships for co-designing socio-technical innovation bundles for women empowerment and resilience in Ethiopia