A shared vision for climate security in Mali. A joint report to inform the national climate security strategy for Mali.
An emerging priority in climate resilience: How Zambia’s green growth strategy — and its business sector — are addressing the risk of climate-induced social instability
Virtual eulogies, rituals, and burials: Experiences of and adaptations to death and mourning during the COVID-19 pandemic among transnational families
Biomass yield, nutritional composition and silage fermentation characteristics of panicum and pennisetum grasses in the savanna agro-ecological zone of Ghana
Soil fertility management and agronomic practices for maize systems in Ghana's Guinea Savannah: A training manual for farmers and extension agents
Sustainable maize-cowpea cropping systems: A production guide and training manual for farmers and extension officers
Tillage practices for maize cropping systems in Ghana's Guinea Savannah: A training manual for farmers and extension agents
Analysis of the potential market segmentation of new CIAT forage hybrids in Africa, Latin America and Asia
Quantifying residual soil moisture through empirical orthogonal functions analysis to support legume-based cropping systems