Catalyzing and Learning through Private Sector Engagement (CAL-PSE) for Biodiversity Conservation

Date: 06/2019 to 12/2024
Geographic area: Brazil
Funders: USAID
Total budget: 17,500,000 USD
In 2019, the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT came together with USAID to develop a unique partnership program to foster private sector engagement. The Catalyzing and Learning through Private Sector Engagement for Biodiversity Conservation (CAL-PSE) program aims to transform the way we approach conservation in the Brazilian Amazon, while improving the wellbeing of indigenous people and local communities. CAL-PSE is implemented through a co-creation and co-investing approach by the Alliance along with a network of local partners and private sector actors in Brazil.
Through CAL-PSE, the Alliance and USAID jointly facilitate the Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA), a private sector-led platform, and other innovative PSE partnerships that promote and co-invest in sustainable business models, as well as economic opportunities that strengthen the sustainable production and commercialization of local products. Ultimately this gives economic value to activities that conserve healthy forests, habitats, and natural resources.
There needs to be clear evidence of the impact of conservation initiatives by the private sector. Businesses need data and information about the efficacy of their corporate social environmental initiatives, and co-investors need proof of the biodiversity return of their investments. With CAL-PSE, the Alliance’s technical expertise is developing monitoring solutions that allow both day-to-day management of the projects as well as long term impact. This will ensure that our shared private sector networks are accountable, make informed decisions, manage adaptively, and communicate learning and impact, which in turn mobilizes investments and commitments. The program also aims to identify innovative models and practices of private sector partnerships, fostering scale-up replication of successful initiatives.
See also:
Featured blogs
- Research shows perceptions of the PPA network about the initiative
- Un dulce negocio en la Amazonia brasileña
- Environmental Finance gives award to Alliance-backed impact investment fund in Brazil
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the Partnership Platform for the Amazon through Social Network Analysis
- New development partnership brings much-needed investment for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the Amazon