Projects and Flagship Initiatives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Through strategic partnerships, these projects and flagship initiatives seek to promote sustainable agricultural practices, enhance resilience to climate change, and foster economic development in the Democratic Republic of Congo. With a focus on improving agricultural value chains, building communities' resilience, and accelerating innovation, these efforts drive positive change and create lasting impacts for communities across the DRC.

A farmer practicing sustainable agriculture in Democratic Republic of Congo to prevent food crises. Credit: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT / Neil Palmer.
'Production durable et résilience pour la prévention de crises alimentaires dans le Paysage de Yangambi (FORETS-Food)':
This project seeks to promote sustainable agricultural production and increase resilience to prevent food crises in the Yangambi region of the DRC, addressing critical issues related to food security and biodiversity conservation.
IITA (PICAGL-World Bank)
Support for the implementation of regional integration of research centers and regional coordination:
The project supports the integration of research centers and enhances regional coordination efforts in the DRC, facilitating collaborative research endeavors and improving agricultural development outcomes.
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ministere de L'Agriculture (AfDB)
'Support Project for the Development of Agricultural Value Chains in Six Provinces (PADCA- 6P)':
This initiative supports the development of agricultural value chains in six provinces of the DRC, contributing to increased agricultural productivity, competitiveness, and sustainability of the agricultural sector, thereby increasing economic growth and reducing poverty.
'Transforming Agrifood Systems in West and Central Africa (West and Central African Food Systems Transformation)':
This project focuses on transforming agrifood systems in West and Central Africa, including the DRC, to address climate action challenges and promote sustainable agricultural practices, thereby enhancing food security and livelihoods in the region.

A farmer in the DRC contributing to climate change action by adopting sustainable agricultural practices. Credit: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT / Neil Palmer.

Empowering Farmers and building resilience in DRC.
© Alliance Bioversity International and CIAT/Neil Palmer

Our scientists are at the forefront of biofortification research. In eastern DR Congo, they're creating biofortified beans to empower communities.
© Alliance Bioversity International and CIAT/Neil Palmer

Empowering East DRC: The Alliance brings nutrient-rich biofortified beans to communities, tackling malnutrition and building a healthier future.
© Alliance Bioversity International and CIAT/Neil Palmer

Farmers harvesting beans in DRC. Credit: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT / Neil Palmer.
CIP (USAID)- Tools4SeedSystems:
Working towards resilience through root, tuber and banana crops in humanitarian settings: This project aims to enhance resilience through the improvement of seed systems for root, tuber, and banana crops in the DRC, ensuring food security and livelihoods for vulnerable populations in times of crisis.
IITA (USA - USAID)- Accelerated Innovation Delivery Initiative – AID-I: Great Lakes Highlands:
This initiative aims to accelerate the delivery of innovations in agricultural research and development in the Great Lakes Highlands region, including Rwanda, Burundi and the DRC, thus contributing to increased agricultural productivity, food security, and economic development in the area.
Global Affairs Canada (GAC) – Bean4Women Empowerment (B4WE):
This project aims to strengthen gender equality, women's agency in decision-making, and the resource rights of women and girls in bean production in three conflict-prone provinces in Eastern DRC: North Kivu, South Kivu, and Tanginika. The project focuses on three factors that most affect women’s empowerment in bean production: the business environment around climate-smart agriculture, the participation of women in bean production leadership and decision-making, and the rights (both legal and cultural) of women to resources such as land and nutritious food. Over the course of five years, the project is expected to directly benefit 2 million people, 60% of whom will be women and girls in poor rural communities in three provinces of Eastern DRC.
BRAINS Project
The Building Equitable Climate-Resilient African Bean and Insect Sector project is a Canadian-funded project that aims to enhance climate resilience among women and youth farmers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other Sub-Saharan African countries by adopting climate-smart agriculture technologies and building enterprises investing in carbon-neutral, climate-resilient, and gender-responsive business development.

Women beans farmers in DRC. Credit: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT / Neil Palmer.