Projects and Flagship Initiatives in Nicaragua

Proyectos E Iniciativas Emblemáticas en Nicaragua - Foto 4 - Alianza Bioversity International - CIAT

To contribute to solving some of Nicaragua's pressing challenges, we carry out several projects across the country.

Agroclimatic Technical Tables (MTA)

The Agroclimatic Technical Tables (MTA) are an innovative initiative that began as part of the CCAFS program, which brings together actors from the agricultural sector at the local level - especially small-scale producers - to share information about expected climatic changes in their region.

The MTAs offer a space for discussion between these actors on the use of agro-climatic information to identify best practices for adaptation to climate phenomena, which are then transferred to local technicians and producers through the Local Agro-climatic Bulletin. This bulletin summarizes seasonal climate forecasts discussed at the MTA, together with recommendations and adaptive measures by crop type.

Read more about the project here

Proyectos E Iniciativas Emblemáticas en Nicaragua - Foto 5

ZAMORANO (FONTAGRO) - Digitization of small-scale agriculture

Rainfall variability due to climate change significantly decreases crop yields. To address this challenge, the "Digitization of small-scale agriculture" project developed a technological solution through the design of a sensor that measures soil moisture at a low cost.

As a product of the technology's impact on small-scale production systems, in 2022 the project won the regional competition "low-cost and/or local resource-based technology solutions" organized by the Platform for Climate Action in Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean (PLACA).

Read more about the project here


KolFACI - Optimum

The KoLFACI project in Nicaragua seeks to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability through several activities. These include improving crops such as rice and beans, reducing greenhouse gas emissions through low-carbon agricultural technologies, developing agroforestry systems, optimizing post-harvest management, and training farmers. The project promotes sustainable agricultural practices and the management of environmental and social risks in supply chains.

Read more about the project here

Proyectos E Iniciativas Emblemáticas en Nicaragua - foto 1