Beans Is How at AGRF 2022

On September 5, 2022, PABRA will hold the event "Beans is How: Championing beans in Africa through science and partnerships in an ever-changing climate" at the AGRF Summit.
Beans are a staple food and source of livelihoods in Africa. Recognizing this, the Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA), together with the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, National Agricultural Research Systems and value chain actors, works to improve bean production and consumption. This innovative partnership brings together over 500 actors generating and sharing bean-related knowledge and technologies across 31 African countries.
This event will celebrate 25 years of PABRA, showcasing solutions that have improved livelihoods and food security. Did you know that more than 37 million farmers (58.1% women) have accessed improved varieties? This has resulted in a yield increase of about 36%, and translated into business opportunities for over 277 (69 women owned or led) SMEs commercializing bean-based products, providing markets to four million farmers. Gathering voices from across the bean food chain, this side event will involve discussions on improving bean production and consumption in Africa to fight hunger and malnutrition. It will also explore what’s next - how we can build on PABRA’s success to double production and consumption of beans across the continent.
The AGRF brings together stakeholders to share approaches that enable value chain actors to earn decent livelihoods. In alignment with this theme, the event showcases the evolution of PABRA's model and how it can be scaled to other crops to deliver resilient food systems. Through demand-led research, PABRA has brought together stakeholders in a coordinated manner and created inclusive impacts at the regional, country, and local value chain levels.

The side-event will feature three sessions:
Session 1: Beans is How: PABRA's Journey
Showcasing an efficient CGIAR-NARES and SMEs partnership model that promotes capacity development, linking demand-driven research to the end user.
Session 2 Beans is How: Impacts
Demonstrating how uptake of bean technologies and innovations has improved food and nutrition security, increased incomes and built more resilient food systems.
Session 3 Beans is How: PABRA 2.0
Positioning beans as critical for healthy people and the planet, a central solution to immediate needs such as cost-effective and nutritious school meals, as well as a sustainable food of the future.
This side-event also aims to inspire bold action for beans over the next five years that will contribute to the building of resilient food systems.
When: 9:00 - 16:00 CAT
Where: Serena Hotel in Kigali, Rwanda
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