Diversity and traditional use knowledge of medicinal plants among communities in the South and South-Eastern zones of the Tigray Region, Ethiopia
Market segmentation (G + Customer and Product Profile Tools) for gender responsive bean breeding in Zimbabwe: Piloting report
Benefits of selected land management practices on ecosystem services: case studies in four watersheds of Ethiopia
A data-mining approach for developing site-specific fertilizer response functions across the wheat-growing environments in Ethiopia
2021 - IFAD-EU/CCAFS CSA Monitoring: Basona Werana & Doyogena Climate-Smart Villages, Ethiopia. Rural Household Multi -Indicator Survey (RHoMIS)
Promoting and valuing neglected and underutilized species for sustainable livelihoods and climate change adaptation: insights from Kenya, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Yield response of barley to the application of mineral fertilizers containing major nutrients on Cambisols and Vertisols in Ethiopia
Evolution of soil fertility research and development in Ethiopia: From reconnaissance to data-mining approaches