A shift from cattle to camel and goat farming can sustain milk production with lower inputs and emissions in north sub -Saharan Africa’s drylands
Modeling and mapping the spatiotemporal variation in agricultural drought based on a satellite-derived vegetation health index across the highlands of Ethiopia
Trees as brokers in social networks: Cascades of rights and benefits from a Cultural Keystone Species
Reference soil groups map of Ethiopia based on legacy data and machine learning technique: EthioSoilGrids 1.0
Adoption of common bean technologies and its impacts on productivity and household welfare in Ethiopia: Lessons from tropical legumes project
Review of Policies and Frameworks on Climate Change, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security in Eastern Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda
Technical feasibility assessment of mini-hydropower development at selected sites in the Highlands of Ethiopia
Understanding capacities to scale innovations for sustainable development: a learning journey of scaling partnerships in three parts of Africa
Cost-benefit analysis of prioritized climate adaptation strategies among smallholder farmers: Evidence from selected value chains across sub-Saharan Africa