Vulnerability mapping of 100 priority tree species in Central Africa to guide conservation and restoration efforts
Mucuna pruriens, Crotalaria juncea, and chickpea (Cicer arietinum) have the potential for improving productivity of banana-based systems in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Evaluation de l’efficacité de la macro-propagation des cultivars de bananiers les plus préférés au Kongo Central, en RD Congo
Agronomic performance of provitamin A-rich banana cultivars in Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Trade-offs and synergies of climate change adaptation strategies among smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review
End-of-Project report 'Broadening the scaling of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) management in East and Central Africa'
A multi-objective model exploration of banana-canopy management and nutrient input scenarios for optimal banana-legume intercrop performance
The integration of shade-sensitive annual crops in Musa spp. plantations in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Transforming Africa’s agriculture through enhancing commercialization of agricultural research products: The case of high iron beans technology
Detection of banana plants and their major diseases through aerial images and machine learning methods: A case study in DR Congo and Republic of Benin
Food for thought: The underutilized potential of tropical tree‐sourced foods for 21st century sustainable food systems
Can wild forest foods contribute to food security and dietary diversity of rural populations adjoining forest concessions? Insights from Gabon, DR Congo and Cameroon