Structuring the complexity of integrated landscape approaches into selectable, scalable, and measurable attributes
Agronomic and organoleptic performance of organically produced provitamin A rich bananas for introduction into farming and diet systems of Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo
Assessment of agronomic practices in banana-coffee and banana-cacao systems in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo – an entry point for sustainable and diversified organic systems
Appui a la mise en oeuvre de l’ Integration Regionale des Centres de Recherche et a la coordinaton regionale. Project Intégré de Croissance Agricole dans les Grand Lacs (PICAGL) –Projet Régional
An analysis of off-takers facilitating bean grain trade to pull seed demand and supply response in Eastern and Southern Africa
Comparative analysis of the sensory acceptability of introduced Pro-Vitamin A-rich bananas in Eastern Africa
Understanding capacities to scale innovations for sustainable development: a learning journey of scaling partnerships in three parts of Africa